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It's totally normal to feel worried or uncertain about how your baby is feeding, especially if you're having problems. Here are a few of the most common things we get asked...



What's the clinic like?

Our clinics in Hale and Hyde are safe, private environments where you'll feel welcomed and supported. Staffed by lactation consultants and infant feeding specialists with rafts of professional medical and specialist qualifications, you'll be in the best possible hands. All our facilities, equipment and services are subject to the highest levels of scrutiny and continually updated in line with the latest policies and procedures. The clinics themselves are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), meaning total transparency on the standard of care.


Will I be assured of my privacy?

Your consultation and any necessary tongue tie procedure happens in complete privacy. The only other people in the room are those you choose to be there, for example if you'd like your partner or a relative present. There's a small chance you might cross paths with someone afterwards in the feeding room, but the seating is situated in such a way that you'll always be a significant distance away from anyone else, so you can enjoy your time feeding you baby in peace. For those who prefer it, we offer home visits and even remote consultations where necessary.


What do you do during a consultation?

We explore every relevant aspect of you and baby's shared history, from pregnancy to the birth through to present day. This isn't us being nosy; because of our professional training we often we detect things that are clues to feeding challenges from this information. We'll also then go on to do a thorough assessment of the feeding, exploring every angle until we've covered off everything that could be behind your challenges, not just the first answer that pops up! If your baby has a tongue tie that's causing problems, we can perform the procedure in the clinic or in your home. It's quick, easy and completely painless for baby. We'll then provide practical advice and help you step by step until you're confident in your ability to feed your baby. Where relevant, we'll provide a feeding plan, for example to fix low milk supply or help baby regain lost weight.


What if I need more help and support?

Our aim is for you to leave fully equipped with everything you need to feel fully confident that you can feed your baby and help them to thrive after just one session. However, we also know that sometimes extra support is reassuring, so you can book as many follow up consultations as you like. We can check how you're doing, revise feeding plans, check baby's weight and offer a refresher on what you learned during your first consultation, whatever you need to feel great about feeding your baby.





Will treating a tongue tie hurt my baby?

No pain relief is required as there are no nerve endings anywhere in the piece of skin in question. Your baby will be wrapped in a blanket to keep them safe and secure during the procedure and you will have the opportunity to feed your baby straight afterwards to comfort them after the brief period away from the comfort of your arms. 


Will the tongue tie procedure cause bleeding?

Bleeding is minimal and normally settles on its own with no further treatment or long term effects on your baby. Thousands of babies have this procedure every day, so it's not something you need to be concerned about, however your healthcare practitioner will discuss any worries you might have so you feel at ease.


How long will the tongue tie snip take to heal?

When the frenulum has been cut it opens into a diamond shape at the base of the tongue, and within 2 days it becomes a white patch which looks like a mouth ulcer; if your baby is jaundiced, it will be yellow. This is completely normal, it can last for two weeks, doesn't need any special care and won't cause any pain.


Will my baby be unsettled after the tongue tie procedure?

Although some babies will cry for up to 60 seconds, the average is just 15 seconds (and some just stay asleep). They don't cry because they're in pain, just because something strange is happening and they're away from their parents. Their routine maybe a bit unsettled, generally because there's a change in feeding behaviour after the procedure, however the majority of babies do not show any effects and return to normal almost immediately.


Will leaving a tongue tie affect my baby's speech development?

Some babies with tongue tie experience speech difficulty as they grow up, others do not. It's a personal choice as to whether you choose to go ahead with the procedure, it's your baby, your decision. We'll support you as best we can, whatever you decide.


Can I have the tongue tie procedure done in my home?

Unfortunately we can't offer this procedure at home. The reason for this is that at the clinic we can be fully in control of a safe and sterile environment, ensuring the very best care for you and your baby. You wouldn't want a surgeon coming to your home to do a procedure you needed, no matter how small and it's the same for your baby. A professional medical environment is best for everyone!



If you have any other questions please drop us a line and we'll be happy to help!

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